Obligatory trainings and registration

Obligatory trainings and registration

  • The following training courses are primarily for you:
    • HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING (HSE TRAINING) - obligatory, under pain of not attending the semester, for students of the 1st year is conducted on the Internet. The student is obliged to join the training and pass the test from 1 to 31 October. Online training is available on the UG Educational Portal. The positive test evaluation (at the end of the training) will result in the completion of the training provided that the Dean's declaration of self-completion of the training and test is submitted.

      There are two deadlines.
      Basic term (within one month of the end of the first term). In the case of failing the test at the basic time, the student has the right to re-attend the training and join the test at an individually scheduled time. The fee for re-participation in the training and passing the test is 100 PLN. The course is regulated by the Rectorial Order of the University of Gdańsk No. 99 / R / 17 of October 10, 2017 as amended.

      If you do not have access to HSE Training, please contact your Dean's office.


    • Library records - Library account for students of the 1st year is set up automatically (free of charge), with the exception of students admitted during additional recruitment who have to enroll in person (free of charge). Required documents are as follows: student ID card and ID card. The cost of an account prolongation for a new academic year is PLN 5, the payment can be made in any library upon presenting a valid student ID card.


  • REGISTRATION FOR LIBRARY – for 1st-year students is automatic after completing the online library training and passing the test. Your account will be activated within 24 hours and will be valid for one year. After one year, renew your account if you want to continue using the Library services. You can do this in any library - cost 5 PLN. The Library STUDENT'S TOOLBOX will make it easier for you to use the UG Library.


  • REGISTRATION FOR LANGUAGE COURSES – once you have selected a foreign language on the STUDENT'S PORTAL, complete the online diagnostic test. Once you do this, you will be assigned to the appropriate group.

    Information about the date and the choice of the language course are in the STUDENT'S PORTAL. The selection of the course must be made immediately after receiving the admission decision.


  • REGISTRATION FOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES – in particular those in obligatory form. Obligatory classes cover students of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year. Ask for details in your Dean's office.


  • REGISTRATION FOR GENERALIZED LECTURES – find out when the online registration is conducted in your STUDENT'S PORTAL. Remember that if you sign up for such a lecture, it becomes automatically mandatory and you have to pass it.
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Submitted on Fri, 08/11/2023 - 10:32 by Dariusz Niemczak Changed on Wed, 08/07/2024 - 12:50 by Dariusz Niemczak