First things first

First things first

  • THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR ON UG - you will learn: when will be the inauguration of the academic year, the duration of the exam session, holidays and inter-session, and when will the Rector's Day be scheduled.

    Academic Calendar

  • STUDENT ID CARD - apply for it through the STUDENT'S PORTAL, where you log in using your index number. You will pick it up in your Dean's office (full-time studies – Anna Żebrowska) of your department. Remember to update it once per semester!

    In order to receive the Student ID Card, the student must submit a photo on the Portal and pay a fee of PLN 22 for the individual student account number generated from the Payments tab.

    If you do not have the Polish bank account you can pay for the ID Card in a cash desk in Rectorat (headquarter of UG) which is in Gdansk-Oliwa, Bazynskiego 8 street, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., room 307.

    Please take the confirmation of payment to the Dean's office.

  • INDEX - at the University of Gdansk the electronic index is in use. You will be able to access it when you log in to the STUDENT'S PORTAL
  • INSURANCE - accident insurance - although optional, it is worth to be interested in it. Ask for necessary details in your UG Students’ Parliament.

    Foreign students should ensure to bring the health insurance issued at their home country which is valid on the Polish territory or the European Health Insurance Card for the whole period of study.

    Citizens of EU/EFTA – if you possess a valid health insurance in your country, you can go to any Polish National Health Fund approved doctor and show your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a replacement certificate.

    Others – if you’re not a citizen of mentioned countries, there are other ways of obtaining health insurance. Please, see: Health Insurance Information

    The student is obliged to accept the rules of charging fees and the amount of fees via the Student Portal, along with taking the oath, within 14 days from the date of commencement of studies.
  • TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF STUDY / RULES OF STUDIES - a student Bible with all rules, rights and obligations of UG student.

    Direct link  Study Regulations

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Submitted on Fri, 08/11/2023 - 10:27 by Dariusz Niemczak Changed on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 13:24 by Roland Olszewski