Admission limits

Admission limits

Admission limits for primary recruitment to the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk in the academic year 2024/2025

Full-time first-cycle studies in Polish

Full-time first-cycle studies Economics – 330 places
Full-time first-cycle studies International Economic Relations – 330 places

Recruitment is conducted for the major. The choice of specialisation (realised in semesters 4-6) takes place at the end of the third semester of studies based on the student's preferences and the ranking list of the average grades from the first year of studies. A specialisation will be launched if at least 25 people sign up.

Eleven specialisations are offered: five specialisations in the Economics major, and six are provided in the International Economic Relations major.


Full-time second-cycle studies in Polish

Full-time second-cycle studies Economics – 180 places

Full-time second-cycle studies International Economic Relations – 150 places

Graduates of all fields of higher education can apply for admission to the studies. Recruitment is conducted for the field. The choice of specialisation (realised in semesters 2-4) occurs at the end of the 1st semester of studies.

Economics offers six specialisations, and the International Economic Relations field offers five specialisations.


Part-time studies in Polish

Part-time studies, first-cycle Economics – 100 places

Part-time studies, first-cycle International Economic Relations – 70 places


Recruitment is conducted for the major. Specialisation modules are implemented in semesters 4-6. The first specialisation module is selected at the end of the third semester of studies based on the student's preferences and the ranking list of the average grades from the first year of studies. Subsequent modules are selected every semester.

Part-time studies, second cycle, Economics – 110 places

Part-time studies, second cycle, International Economic Relations – 78 places


Recruitment is conducted for the major. Specialisation modules are implemented in semesters 2-4. The first specialisation module is selected at the end of the first semester of studies, and subsequent modules are selected every semester.

Interdisciplinary studies

Full-time studies II cycle Business and Ecological Technology – 30 places


Full-time studies in English

Full-time studies 1st cycle International Business – 100 places

Full-time studies 2nd cycle International Business – 30 places

Full-time studies 2nd cycle Logistics and Mobility – 28 places


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Submitted on Thu, 09/14/2023 - 13:27 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Wed, 08/07/2024 - 11:08 by Waldemar Kuczewski