Faculty for people with disabilities

"Department for Persons with Disabilities

At the University of Gdańsk, the Office for Persons with Disabilities (Office for Persons with Disabilities | ug.edu.pl) has been operating for many years, providing support to individuals with disabilities and specific educational needs. The Office's tasks also include providing electric wheelchairs for students with mobility impairments within the UG campus, training in the use of specialized equipment and software.

Ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs is a key element of the Faculty of Economics' activities, as part of its commitment to achieving sustainable development goals, integration, and social equality.


The Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk closely collaborates with the Office for Persons with Disabilities, and as a public entity, meets all the minimum requirements in three areas of accessibility mentioned in Article 6 of the Act - architectural, digital, and information and communication (Act of July 19, 2019, on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs, Journal of Laws 2022.2240).

The Faculty of Economics building at UG is modern and adapted for use by persons with special needs.

1) Architectural accessibility:

The Faculty of Economics building features various amenities for individuals with disabilities. Ramps and/or elevators are available at each entrance to the building. Spacious car parks include designated spaces for persons with disabilities, allowing them to park in close proximity to the building. All building entrances are located to ensure safe and convenient access for those with impaired mobility. Corridors and ramps or elevators provide access to lecture halls.

Ramps and/or elevators are available at each entrance to the building. The doors to auditoriums are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair user. The buildings are equipped with elevators that allow persons with disabilities to reach every floor. All floors are connected by lifts adapted for persons with disabilities. Restrooms and toilets are also appropriately adapted.

The building is equipped with signage indicating the location of rooms, with descriptions of rooms and laboratories above each corridor entrance, and a reception desk at the building entrance, where staff are trained to assist persons with disabilities. Additionally, both elevator buttons and labels with the names and numbers of each room, including administrative offices, are equipped with Braille signage. The doors to auditoriums are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair user. Corridors and ramps or elevators provide access to lecture halls.

In the event of emergencies such as fire, the buildings are equipped with rescue wheelchairs that allow the evacuation of persons with disabilities down stairs when elevators are out of service. Emergency exits are located in several places in each building.

2) Digital accessibility:

In response to the needs of individuals with special needs related to vision, the information on the websites is provided with appropriate resolution and readability for visually impaired persons. At the University of Gdańsk, a range of facilities is available, including the Digital Services Lab, which offers scanning, adaptation, and digitalization (SAD) services for educational materials, particularly for users who, due to their disabilities, such as visual impairments, have difficulty accessing traditional printed materials.

3) Information and communication accessibility:

The faculty website is designed following guidelines to support its usability by persons with disabilities, with training provided by the University Office for Persons with Disabilities.

Visually impaired users have access to the Academic Digital Library.

It is also important for individuals with disabilities to have support from the Library Assistant or IT Assistant at the University of Gdańsk Main Library (BUG) when using bibliographic resources.

For tasks related to student inclusion, the support of an Educational Consultant is also available to assist students during classes and individual work: Educational Consultant | Office for Persons with Disabilities (ug.edu.pl)

The University of Gdańsk, through the Office for Persons with Disabilities, also provides a rental service for specialized equipment and software, including FM systems for students with hearing impairments.


At the Faculty of Economics, the Dean's Representative for Persons with Disabilities is Dr. Tomasz Gutowski, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Education.


Compiled by: Dr. Magdalena Markiewicz

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Submitted on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 12:28 by Dariusz Niemczak Changed on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 19:49 by Dariusz Niemczak