Application and recruitment

Application and recruitment

For the first time in the academic year 2014/15 a new ERASMUS+  program commenced its functioning, changing rules and conditions of the previous program.
According to new rules students can go abroad and may receive grants for studying or being trained abroad per each cycle of study (together 12 months). Moreover, students will be awarded an Erasmus+  EU grant (fixed amount) to help cover the subsistence costs incurred in connection with their study and internship period abroad.  There is only one Faculty of Economics recruitment process for the academic year 2023/24.


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Thinking of studying at one of the many partner universities of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdańsk?

Below you will find out what, where, when and how to do to leave, and after return smoothly and without unnecessary stress to continue your studies.

Please read carefully from beginning to end. You will find all necessary information. This will save you time.


The recruitment procedure

The Faculty Commission selects students for ERASMUS+ scholarship. The Commission  in its choices is guided by the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of the language of lectures at the university at sufficient level to participate in lectures (max. 4 pts.)
  • Good results as study periods are concerned (max. 4 pts.)
  • Motivation to study abroad, candidate's personal culture, involvement in social activities for the Faculty (max. 2 pts.).
  • Total maximum 10 points. Commission sets minimal point requirements.

Based on the ranking the results list will be completed.



Only the student who settled the winter semester in the dean's office may apply. The application form, filled in by the student (containing the indication of maximum two universities) has to be submitted using electronic form.

NOTE – students applying for the semester abroad during the last semester of the studies (summer semester of the 2nd year master degree). Those students in addition need to deliver two documents: supervisor statement (here) and personal statement (here).

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Interviews will take place on 4th and 5th of March 2024 (detailed time of interview hour for individual candidates will be given on at this Erasmus+ sub-webpage, so please check it before 7th).
A student taking part in an interview is required to know the educational offer and study program offered by the university where he or she wants to study.
A ranking list will be established in accordance with the score obtained during the recruitment process (and published - check sub-page with recruitment results on 9th)
Students qualified for the exchange ARE REQUIRED to submit Erasmus Participant Form no later than March 7th (by email, signed scan to the email, please remember to also sign Personal Disclosure Policy note which is the second page of that form) under penalty of being removed from the program. Students who are entitled to social financial support - please send a scan of the document confirming this fact in the same email.


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What to do after the qualification to ERASMUS?

You must complete the Learning Agreement Form (LA) containing your chosen subject of the host institution and settlement form of study. Remember that you must realize the compulsory subjects in the UG  at the host university. If you cannot choose compulsory subjects at the partner university (or not chosen), you have to take the subjects when you return.


The realization of the subject should be discussed with the teacher leading the subject before you go.

ERASMUS+ scholarship does not relieve the obligation to submit the thesis within a period consistent with the Rules of the University of Gdańsk studies.

Choosing subjects to study in the framework of the ERASMUS+ program, you must be guided by the following principles:

  •     Students leaving for a semester are required to pass subjects enabling to obtain a total number equal to or greater than 30 ECTS credits while leaving the full-year number equal to or greater than 60 ECTS credits;
  •     Students cannot choose subjects already completed and included in the Faculty of Economics;
  •     as far as possible in the first step select subjects that are executed of Faculty of Economics in the existing programs of study;
  •     Students can select any number of subjects in the field of foreign language learning, but these items will be included in the Faculty of Economics up to 6 credits.
  •     Students should realize at the partner university abroad within the Erasmus+ program compulsory subjects of UG (in the general subjects of study, the group "A" - basic, group "B" - directional) if it is in the offer of the foreign university. If the student selects these items, then enter them in the settlement program of study form (available here - link). If you choose the compulsory subjects, then while LA and settlement form is submitted to accept in the dean's office, syllabi from the foreign university shall be attached.

Your LA form must be approved by one of the coordinators of the ERASMUS+ program, and then by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University according to the following deadlines:
- Not later than 15 June for students leaving for the winter semester or the full year;
- No later than 15 November for students leaving for the summer semester.

NOTE – condition for subject approval by the coordinator of the form LA is the presentation of the completed settlement form.

NOTE - LA along and settlement form of studies program must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, room no.  127 at least 7 days before the required date of approval by the Dean (Dean's Office does not accept the submission of LA without simultaneously form the settlement).



I am already abroad and I need to change my Learning Agreement?

If after the arrival at the partner university for any reason it becomes necessary to change the approved program, there must be completed appropriate forms:

  • the second page of Form LA - Changes, taking into consideration rules
  • the settlement of a revised form of studies conducted abroad (Rozliczenie programu studiów realizowanego za granicą w ramach programu Erasmus+).

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The procedure for signing Changes to LA is the same as for the signature LA (in case of stay abroad scanned forms, both LA and a settlement form of study should be sent to a trusted person who will deal with the approval of forms by the coordinator and the dean).

Additional information (in Polish only):

In order to complete the semester, the Erasmus+ exchange student must provide the following documents to the Dean's office:

  • LA, LA Changes, Internal Addendum (up to one month from the beginning of classes at the host university)
  • Transcript of Record (from the host university before the end of the resit examination session at the Faculty of Economics)

Lack of the documents mentioned above will result in failure to complete the semester as well as removal from the list of students.

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Submitted on Fri, 08/04/2023 - 11:22 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Thu, 07/04/2024 - 11:21 by Waldemar Kuczewski