

The main objective of the project 'Opracowanie innowacyjnej, zgrywalizowanej i interaktywnej metody zaawansowanego zdobywania umiejętności poprzez e-nauczanie i e-uczenie' is to develop a strategy for digitalisation in education to improve teaching effectiveness and teaching skills in pandemic conditions. The project aims to enhance teachers' skills based on the mix of theory and practice, digital support and exchange of best practices between different research centres.

The project 'Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E-learning of Skills' (DigiMates) has been shortlisted in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships competition.

The DigiMates project, in line with the Erasmus+ competition, envisages the development of digitalisation strategies in education, thus enhancing teaching effectiveness and teaching skills in pandemic conditions. The project aims to enhance teachers' skills, based on combining theory with practice, support with digital technologies and exchange of best practices between different research centres. The project envisages the implementation of modern technologies (including online platforms, online videos, gamification, etc.) that provide a platform for the transformation of the conventional learning environment into a digital one.

The project refers to the experiences and recommendations of The NICE Network (The New Initiative and Challenges in Europe) and focuses on internationalisation, sharing of different experiences, development and implementation of virtual mobility for students and teachers.

The project consortium consists of:

  • University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) - leader,
  • University of Gdańsk (Poland),
  • Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey),
  • Heilbronn University (Germany),
  • University of Leon (Spain).

The project manager on the part of the University of Gdansk: Prof. Joanna Bednarz from the Faculty of Economics.

The project team:

  • Prof. Joanna Bednarz
  • Magdalena Markiewicz, PhD
  • Tomasz Michałowski, PhD
  • Aleksandra Aziewicz, MA
  • Przemysław Wysiński, MA

In line with the 'Innovative Practices in the Digital Age' competition, the Erasmus+ Programme supports the implementation of digital technologies and innovative and open pedagogical methods in education. It also supports the use of the European digital competence framework for teachers, citizens and organisations, including the development and use of open educational resources and free and open educational software.

It prioritises activities that promote innovative teaching, training, learning and assessment methods and tools as drivers for improving lifelong learning. Supporting the education process during the COVID-19 pandemic, it pays particular attention to project activities contributing to building digital education readiness and mitigating the impact of the crisis, on some of the most affected sectors.

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Submitted on Wed, 08/09/2023 - 09:30 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Fri, 08/23/2024 - 14:47 by Waldemar Kuczewski