Teaching activity

Teaching activity

 The Department of Economics and Operation of Transport Enterprises conducted teaching activities in the following specialties:

  • Auditor of enterprises,
  • Theory of enterprises.

Currently, the Department's staff conducts two specialties of full-time studies of the Faculty of Economics:

  • Economic Diagnosis and Operation of Enterprises (DEiFP second degree studies),
  • Enterprise - finance and market (P-FiR first degree studies).

As well as modules on part-time studies:

  • Module A1: Fundamentals of Enterprise and Innovation Theory (TPI - first degree studies),
  • Module B1: Corporate finance and auditing (FAP - first degree studies),
  • Module A1: Introduction to ACCA Finance (WdF ACCA - second degree studies),
  • Module C2: Reporting and auditing (SiA - second degree studies).

In addition, we teach the following specialties and majors offered by the Faculty:

  • Economics majors (Business Science, Financial Reporting Information Systems, Economic Analysis,)
  • Finance in enterprises,
  • International business,
  • Business and environmental technology,
  • Transportation economics and logistics.

 Within the framework of the above majors, specializations and blocks, the department's staff teaches the following subjects:

  • Economic analysis
  • Financial analysis for auditors
  • Auditor of business economics
  • Auditor of enterprise finance
  • Auditor of business risks of enterprises
  • Auditor of enterprise information systems security
  • Analytical research of enterprises
  • Economic and financial research
  • Operational and labor research
  • Market and marketing research
  • Business plan
  • Diagnostic decision-making methods
  • Dynamic management techniques
  • Economics and design of enterprise ventures
  • Economics of transportation enterprises
  • Professional ethics of enterprise auditors
  • Managerial finance
  • Corporate finance
  • Operation of transportation enterprises
  • Management in motor transport
  • Economic monitoring
  • Enterprise science
  • Organization and operation of road transportation
  • Organization and management of a multi-plant enterprise
  • Fundamentals of enterprise theory
  • Fundamentals of enterprise stratification theory
  • Legal environment of the auditing profession
  • Procedures for internal audits of enterprises
  • Procedures of external audits of enterprises
  • Enterprises in the international tourism market
  • Transport enterprises
  • Accounting
  • Forwarding
  • Systems for diagnosing enterprises
  • Systems of enterprise operation
  • Financial reporting information systems
  • Systems of evaluation of employees in the organization
  • Systems of selling audit services
  • Theory of economic diagnosis
  • Theory of enterprise functioning
  • Enterprise behavior
  • Organizational behavior
  • Financial management of enterprises
  • Financial management
  • Enterprise project management
  • Enterprise management
  • Cognitive issues of enterprise audits


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Submitted on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 10:49 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Thu, 09/12/2024 - 14:34 by Waldemar Kuczewski