Part-time studies

Second degree part-time studies

  • The study program is implemented in the form of didactic classes held in Saturday-Sunday blocks according to the calendar designated before the start of the semester, with people already working and wanting to improve their skills and competencies in mind, as well as people who want to start working while studying
  • At the Faculty of Economics, you can study for second-cycle studies in the following major areas:
    • Economics
    • International Economic Relations 


  • In Economics and International Economic Relations, the selection of specialisation modules shapes the study path.
  • Recruitment for part-time second-cycle studies in the following fields: Economics and International Economic Relations is conducted for the field of study. The selection of the specialisation module (carried out in semesters 2-4) takes place at the end of the 1st semester of studies.
  • The Faculty of Economics students use electronic databases, a library, modern infrastructure, an electronic portal and an e-index.
  • Thanks to the excellent organisation of classes and practical education profiles at the Faculty of Economics, you will obtain a University of Gdańsk diploma valued by employers and invaluable professional relationships.

Choose the specialisations in which you can study and develop your interests!




Specialization modules on second-degree part-time studies
in the field of Economics
Specialization modules on second-degree part-time studies
in the field of International Economic Relations


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Submitted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 13:42 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Tue, 09/03/2024 - 11:55 by Waldemar Kuczewski