Meeting for incoming students Erasmus+

Introductory meeting for incoming students will be held on February 22nd at 10:00 (on-line in MS Teams application).

Introductory meeting for incoming students will be held on February 22nd at 10:00 (on-line in MS Teams application). The link is:

Click here to join the meeting


Please note!

Enrolment for lectures - summer semester 2020/2021

Enrolment for subjects can be done ONLY via an electronic system. The enrolment procedure starts on Feb. 22nd 2021 at 12:00.

You have already received Your password and login by email from our administration. If not: 1. check your spam folder, 2. check if this is the same email address you have provided while registering.

At the moment the system is CLOSED.

Although you might be able to log into it, you will not be able to register nor correct lectures will be visible to you. The system will open to you after the introductory meeting.


View changelog

Submitted on pt., 02/05/2021 - 00:00 by Importer Automatyczny Changed on pt., 09/13/2024 - 11:15 by Importer Automatyczny