Goldman Sachs Lifecycle of a Trade workshop

Zapraszamy na wykład 6 listopada 2018 r. w godzinach 13.30-15.00, Aula A na Wydziale Ekonomicznym

The lecture will be held on November 6, 2018 from 13.30 to 15.00, Aula A at the Faculty of Economics.

A variety of buyers and sellers come to Goldman Sachs with different needs and objectives. Operations plays an important role in facilitating transactions on behalf of the firm through our Revenue Divisions. Operations enables the buyer or seller to transact at that moment, regardless of market conditions.

Join us at Goldman Sachs Lifecycle of a Trade workshop and learn about the Operations Division!


Presenters: John Macfie (Operations), Magda Witkiewicz (Human Capital Management)

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Submitted on pon., 10/29/2018 - 00:00 by Importer Automatyczny Changed on pt., 09/13/2024 - 11:11 by Importer Automatyczny